@font-feature-values CSS At-Rule

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The @font-feature-values CSS at-rule allows you to define named values for font features, which can then be used in the font-variant-alternates property. This can be useful for simplifying your CSS when working with multiple fonts, as it allows you to use the same named value for a font feature even if it is activated differently in different fonts.

The @font-feature-values at-rule can be used at the top level of your CSS or inside any CSS conditional-group at-rule. It takes two parameters: the name of the font feature and the value(s) for that feature. The value(s) can be either a single identifier or a list of identifiers, separated by spaces.


@font-feature-values <family-name># {
<family-name> = <string> | <custom-ident>+
<feature-value-block-list> = <feature-value-block>+

<feature-value-block> = <feature-type> '{' <feature-value-declaration-list> '}'

<feature-type> = @stylistic | @historical-forms | @styleset | @character-variant | @swash | @ornaments | @annotation
<feature-value-declaration-list> = <feature-value-declaration>

<feature-value-declaration> = <custom-ident>: <integer>+;


  • @swashSets the name of the function that will work with the function notation swash() for font-variant-alternates. A function value definition swash allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 is not.
  • @annotationSets the name of the function that will work with the function notation annotation() for font-variant-alternates. A function value definition allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 is not.
  • @ornamentsSets the name of the function that will work with the function notation ornaments() for font-variant-alternates. A function value definition ornaments allows only one value: ident1: 2 is valid, but ident2: 2 4 is not.
  • @stylisticSpecifies the name of the function that will work with functional notation stylistic() font-option-alternates. The definition of the value of a stylistic feature allows only one meaning: ident1: 2 is valid, but identif2: 2 4 is not.
  • @stylesetSpecifies the name of the function that will work with functional notation styleset() font-option-alternates. The stylet function value definition allows an unlimited number of values: identif1: 2 4 12 1 maps to the OpenType values ss02​​, ss04, ss12 and ss01. Note that values ​​above 99 are valid but do not map to any OpenType values ​​and are ignored.
  • @character-variantSpecifies the name of the function that will work with functional notation character-variant() font-variant-alternates. The characteristic value definition in the symbolic variant allows one or two values: ident1: 3 maps to cv03 = 1, and ident2: 2 4 maps to cv02 = 4, but ident2: 2 4 5 is not allowed.


/* At-rule for "nice-style" in Font One */
@font-feature-values Font One {
@styleset {
nice-style: 12;

/* At-rule for "nice-style" in Font Two */
@font-feature-values Font Two {
@styleset {
nice-style: 4;

/* Apply the at-rules with a single declaration */
.nice-look {
font-variant-alternates: styleset(nice-style);

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the at-rule @font-feature-values.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 30th September 2023