CSS <image> Data Type


The CSS <image> data type represents a 2D image. It can be a URL reference, image notation, or gradient notation. When you see <image> (including the < and > ) anywhere in the CSS specifications, this refers to the fact that the value can be any valid image data type.

Here is a brief description of each type of image data that can be used with the <image> data type:

  • URL reference: This is the most common way to specify an image in CSS. Simply provide the URL of the image file, and the browser will download and display the image.
  • Image notation: This allows you to specify an image directly in your CSS code. This can be useful for small images or for creating custom images.
  • Gradient notation: This allows you to create gradient images using CSS. Gradient images are images that have a smooth transition between two or more colors.

The <image> data type can be used in a variety of CSS properties, such as the background-image, border-image, and content properties. For example, the following CSS code will set the background of the <body> element to the image my-image.jpg:

body {
  background-image: url(my-image.jpg);

The <image> data type is a powerful tool for adding images to your web pages. It allows you to specify images in a variety of ways, and it can be used in a variety of CSS properties.

Here are some examples of how to use the <image> data type in CSS:

  • To set the background image of an element, use the background-image property.
  • To set the border image of an element, use the border-image property.
  • To create a gradient image, use the linear-gradient() or radial-gradient() functions.
  • To create an image mask, use the mask-image property.
  • To create a clipping mask, use the clip-path property.

You can also use the <image> data type in CSS animations and transitions. For example, the following CSS code will fade in an image over 2 seconds:

.image {
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 2s;

.image:hover {
  opacity: 1;

The <image> data type is a versatile and powerful tool for adding images to your web pages. By learning how to use it, you can create more visually appealing and engaging websites.


property: <image>;


  • <image>Represents a reference to an image file.


div {
   width: 300px;
   height: 226px;
   background-image: url('images/sunset.jpg');
   margin: 10px;

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the CSS image data type.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 7th October 2023