CSS <time> Data Type

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The CSS time data type represents a time value expressed in seconds or milliseconds. It is used in animation, transition, and related properties.

The syntax for the time data type is a <number> followed by one of the following units:

  • s (seconds)
  • ms (milliseconds)

The number may optionally be preceded by a single + or - sign.

For example, the following CSS values are all valid time values:


The time data type can be used to specify the duration of an animation, the delay before an animation starts, or the duration of a transition. For example, the following CSS code would animate the background-color property of an element from red to blue over a period of 5 seconds:

.element {
  background-color: red;
  animation: background-color-change 5s;

@keyframes background-color-change {
  from {
    background-color: red;
  to {
    background-color: blue;

The time data type can also be used to specify the minimum and maximum values for a CSS property. For example, the following CSS code would ensure that the height property of an element is always between 100px and 200px:

.element {
  height: 100px;
  min-height: 100px;
  max-height: 200px;

The time data type is a powerful tool that can be used to control the timing of animations and transitions, as well as the minimum and maximum values of CSS properties.


property: <time>; 


  • sRepresents a time in seconds.
  • msRepresents a time in milliseconds


<div class="loading"> 
<div class="spin"></div>
.loading { 
   width: 240px; 
   margin: auto; 
   padding: 20px 0 10px; 
   background: #333; 
   color: #fff; 
   text-align: center; 
.spin {
   display: inline-block; 
   width: 30px; 
   height: 30px; 
   border: 10px solid #ccc; 
   border-right: 10px solid transparent; 
   border-radius: 30px; 
   animation: spin 2s linear 0s infinite normal; 
@keyframes spin { 
   from { 
      transform: rotate(0deg); 
   to { 
   transform: rotate(360deg); 

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the CSS time data type.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 7th October 2023