CSS counter-increment Property

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The counter-increment property is intended to increase the value of the increment counter, which is set by the counter-reset property. Such a counter counts the number of displays of elements on the page and can be displayed using the content property and pseudo-elements ::after and ::before. This allows you to create lists (including multi-level), in which the numbering and view are set through styles.

Initial value
Applies to
All elements
Computed value
Specified value
JavaScript syntax

Interactive Demo

  1. Canvas
  2. SVG
  3. HTML5
  4. CSS3
  5. javaScript
  6. jQuery
  7. SCSS


counter-increment: [ <custom-ident><integer>? ]+ | none


  • noneThis element does not alter the value of any counters.
  • <custom-ident><integer>?The element alters the value of one or more counters on it. If there is not currently a counter of the given name on the element, the element creates a new counter of the given name with a starting value of 0 (though it may then immediately set or increment that value to something different).


<h2>Chapter title</h2> 
<h2>Chapter title</h2>
<h2>Chapter title</h2>
body {
   counter-reset: counter1; 
   line-height: .3em;
h2 {
   counter-reset: counter2; 
h2::before { 
   counter-increment: counter1;
   content: "Chapter No. " counter(counter1) ". "; 
h3 {
   margin-left: 20px; 
h3::before { 
   counter-increment: counter2;
   content: counter(counter1) "."  counter(counter2) " " ; 

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the CSS counter-increment property.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 1st January 2024