CSS hyphenate-character Property


The hyphenate-character CSS property sets the character (or string) used at the end of a line before a hyphenation break. Both automatic and soft hyphens are displayed according to the specified hyphenate-character value. The default value of hyphenate-character is auto, which means that the user agent will select an appropriate string based on the current typographic conventions. However, you can also specify a custom character or string to be used as the hyphenation character. For example, to use a hyphen-minus character as the hyphenation character, you would set the hyphenate-character property to -. To use a hyphen-minus character followed by a space as the hyphenation character, you would set the hyphenate-character property to -.

Initial value
Applies to
all elements
Computed value
as specified
JavaScript syntax

Interactive Demo

An extra­ordinarily long English word!


hyphenate-character: auto | <string>


  • autoThe user-agent selects an appropriate string based on the content language's typographic conventions. This is the default property value, and only needs to be explicitly set in order to override a different inherited value.
  • <string>The <string> to use at the end of the line before a hyphenation break. The user agent may truncate this value if too many characters are used.


<dt><code>hyphenate-character: "="</code></dt>
<dd id="string" lang="en">Superc&shy;alifragilisticexpialidocious</dd>
<dt><code>hyphenate-character is not set</code></dt>
<dd lang="en">Superc&shy;alifragilisticexpialidocious</dd>
dd {
  width: 90px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  hyphens: auto;

dd#string {
  -webkit-hyphenate-character: "=";
  hyphenate-character: "=";

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the CSS hyphenate-character property.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 2nd January 2024