HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder

This HTML entity encoder / decoder is a tool that converts text between its plain text and HTML entity representations. HTML entities are special characters that are used in HTML to represent characters that have special meaning or cannot be directly displayed in HTML. For example, the ampersand (&) character is used to introduce HTML entities, so it must be encoded as & in order to be displayed correctly in HTML.

To encode text to HTML entities, the encoder replaces all applicable characters with their corresponding HTML entities. To decode HTML entities, the decoder replaces all HTML entities with their corresponding characters.

HTML entity encoders / decoders are useful for a variety of tasks, such as:

  • Preparing text for display in an HTML document
  • Cleaning text that has been entered by a user, such as in a form
  • Ensuring that text is displayed correctly in different browsers and devices
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Input Code
Output Code

About HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder

If this site has been useful, we’d love your support! Running this site takes time and resources, and every small contribution helps us keep creating valuable content. Consider buying us a coffee to keep things going strong!

An HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder is a tool that helps convert special characters and symbols in HTML documents into their corresponding HTML entities and vice versa. HTML entities are codes or sequences used to represent characters that have special meaning in HTML, such as the less-than sign ("<"), greater-than sign (">"), and ampersand ("&"). These characters are reserved for markup and can't be used directly in HTML content without causing rendering issues.

The two primary operations of an HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder are as follows:

  1. Encoding: When you want to display special characters or symbols in an HTML document, you encode them as HTML entities. For example, you'd encode a less-than sign ("<") as "&lt;" and an ampersand ("&") as "&amp;". This ensures that the characters are displayed correctly in the browser without being interpreted as HTML markup.

  2. Decoding: On the other hand, when you need to interpret HTML entities in a document and display the actual characters or symbols they represent, you use decoding. Decoding converts HTML entities back into their original characters. For example, it converts "&lt;" back to "<" and "&amp;" back to "&".

HTML Entity Encoder / Decoder tools are useful for web developers and content creators to ensure that the content on a web page is displayed correctly and safely. They help prevent issues such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks by ensuring that user input and dynamic content are properly encoded to prevent the execution of malicious code within web pages. There are online tools, libraries, and programming functions available for performing HTML entity encoding and decoding, making it easier for developers to work with HTML entities in their web applications.