413 Content Too Large HTTP Status Code


HTTP status code 413 stands for "Content Too Large." This response code is issued by a server when the request entity is larger than limits defined by the server; the server might close the connection or return an HTTP 413 status code. This limitation is often set by the server to prevent certain types of denial-of-service attacks, such as overwhelming a server with massive requests.

When a server returns a 413 status code, it indicates that the request made by the client was understood, but it could not be processed due to its large size. For instance, this might occur when trying to upload a file that exceeds the maximum allowed size for uploads on a particular server or API.

To resolve this issue, the client can reduce the size of the request payload and attempt the request again. Alternatively, if the client believes the request is necessary as is, they might need to negotiate with the server administrators to allow larger payloads, if possible.


413 Content Too Large

Common Causes

Here are some common causes for receiving a HTTP status code 413:

  1. Large File Uploads: A common cause is attempting to upload a file that exceeds the server's maximum allowed size for uploads. This limit is often set to prevent excessive use of server resources.

  2. Excessive Post Data: Similar to file uploads, submitting a form with too much data can also trigger this error. This includes situations where the amount of data in the request body exceeds the server's limit.

  3. Headers Too Large: Though less common, this error can also occur if the request headers themselves are too large. Most servers have a limit on the size of headers they will accept.

  4. Server Configuration: The threshold for what constitutes "too large" is determined by the server configuration. Web servers like Apache, Nginx, and application frameworks can all have different settings for the maximum allowed request size. These settings can usually be adjusted if necessary.

  5. Security Measures: Limits on request sizes are often implemented as a security measure to protect against certain types of denial-of-service attacks (DoS), where an attacker might attempt to overload the server by sending extremely large requests.

  6. REST API or Web Service Limits: When working with web services or REST APIs, the service might have its own set of rules or limits for request sizes, independent of the server's general settings.

When faced with a 413 error, the solution often involves either reducing the size of the request or configuring the server to allow larger requests, depending on the specific requirements and constraints of the project or application.

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the 413 Content Too Large HTTP status code.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 1st April 2024