CSS word-break Property


The word-break CSS property controls whether words are broken at the end of a line. By default, words are only broken at certain points, such as between two words or at a hyphen. However, the word-break property can be used to allow words to be broken at any point, or to prevent words from being broken at all.

Initial value
Applies to
All elements
Computed value
Specified value
JavaScript syntax

Interactive Demo

The rusty swing set creaked a lonely lullaby in the twilight, lets add a very long word here - Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, shadows lengthening like grasping fingers across the dew-kissed grass.


word-break: normal | keep-all | break-all 


  • normalWords break according to their usual rules.
  • keep-allImplicit soft wrap opportunities between letters are suppressed, i.e. breaks are prohibited between pairs of letters (except where opportunities exist due to dictionary-based breaking). Otherwise this option is equivalent to normal. In this style, sequences of CJK characters do not break.
  • break-allIn addition to normal soft wrap opportunities, lines may break between any two letters (except where forbidden by the line-break property). Hyphenation is not applied. This option is used mostly in a context where the text is predominantly using CJK characters with few non-CJK excerpts and it is desired that the text be better distributed on each line.


<div class="test"> 
<p><b>Block with a normal value</b></p>As the saying goes: 酒 を 飲 む と 打 ち 解 け て 来 る<br>Which in translation from Japanese means: "when you drink sake, you become open."
<div class="test2">
<p><b>Block with a value of break-all</b></p>As the saying goes: 酒 を 飲 む と 打 ち 解 け て 来 る<br>Which in translation from Japanese means: "when you drink sake, you become open."
<div class="test3">
<p><b>Block with the value keep-all</b></p>As the saying goes: 酒 を 飲 む と 打 ち 解 け て 来 る<br>Which in translation from Japanese means: "when you drink sake, you become open."
div {
   display: inline-block; 
   background: azure; 
   border: 1px solid gray;
.test {
   width: 240px; 
   word-break: normal;
   margin-right: 150px; 
.test2 {
   width: 250px;
   word-break: break-all;
   margin-right: 150px; 
.test3 {
   width: 150px; 
   word-break: keep-all; 
   margin-top: 10px;

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the CSS word-break property.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 31st December 2023