408 Request Timeout HTTP Status Code


The HTTP status code 408 Request Timeout indicates that the server timed out waiting for the request. This status code is sent by the server to the client when the server is ready to handle the request, but the client fails to send the request within the time that the server is prepared to wait.

Here’s how it works in more detail:

  • A client, such as a web browser, initiates a connection to a server to request some resource, like a web page or an API endpoint.
  • The server accepts the connection, allocating resources to handle the request, and then waits for the client to send its request.
  • If the client does not send a request within a predetermined time frame, the server will close the connection and send back a 408 Request Timeout status code.

This situation can occur for various reasons, such as:

  • The client lost internet connectivity.
  • The client took too long to send the data due to a slow or unreliable network connection.
  • There are client-side issues, like browser freezes or delays in user actions, causing the request to be sent late.

The 408 status code is part of the HTTP response, not the request, and it implies that the problem may be temporary or related to the client's network conditions rather than a permanent issue with the server. It’s a signal to the client that it should retry the request, potentially after checking and fixing any issues on the client's end.


408 Request Timeout

Common Causes

The causes of a 408 status code can vary, but here are the most common ones:

  1. Slow Client Connection: If the client's internet connection is slow or unstable, it might take too long to send the entire request to the server. This could result in the server timing out before the request is fully received.

  2. Large Requests: A request that is too large in terms of data size (like a massive file upload) may take too long to transmit, especially over slower connections, causing the server to time out.

  3. Server Timeout Settings: The server has a predefined timeout setting that determines how long it waits for requests from clients. If this setting is too short, it might not provide enough time for legitimate requests to complete, especially if they are complex or the client's connection is slow.

  4. Client Device Performance: If the client device is slow or overburdened, it may take longer to send requests. This includes scenarios where the browser or client application is slow to generate the request due to high CPU usage or memory constraints.

  5. Network Issues: Issues with the network between the client and the server, such as network congestion, routing problems, or intermittent connectivity, can delay request transmission.

  6. Firewalls or Proxy Servers: Sometimes, intermediate devices like firewalls or proxy servers can delay the forwarding of requests to the server. If these devices are misconfigured or experiencing issues, they could contribute to delays that result in a 408 error.

  7. Client Inactivity: If a client establishes a connection to the server but then fails to send any data (or takes too long to do so), the server may close the connection with a 408 response.

It's important to note that a 408 status code is specifically related to the server not receiving a complete request from the client in a timely manner. To resolve such errors, one might need to investigate the client-side issues, review server timeout settings, and ensure that the network path between the client and server is stable and performing well.

Browser Support

The following table will show you the current browser support for the 408 Request Timeout HTTP status code.

Edge Chrome Firefox Opera Safari
Tablets / Mobile
Chrome Firefox Opera Safari Samsung Webview

Last updated by CSSPortal on: 1st April 2024