HTML Event Attributes

HTML event attributes are special attributes that can be added to HTML elements to define how the element should respond to various user interactions or other events, such as mouse clicks, keyboard input, or page loading. These attributes are used to specify the behavior and actions associated with specific events.

HTML event attributes enable web developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages by responding to user actions and other events, making websites more engaging and functional. They are typically paired with JavaScript code to define the specific actions that should occur when these events are triggered.

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Keyboard Events:

Attribute Definition
onkeydown The script is triggered when the user presses any key.
onkeypress The script is triggered after the user presses a key (does not work with keys such as Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Esc, PrScr, etc.).
onkeyup The script is triggered after the key is released.

Mouse Events:

Attribute Definition
onclick The script is triggered by clicking on the element.
ondblclick The script is triggered after a double click on the element.
ondrag The script is triggered when an element or selected text is dragged.
ondragend The script is triggered when the user has finished dragging the item (after the drag operation).
ondragenter The script is triggered when the item is moved to the specified zone (target for transfer).
ondragleave The script is triggered when the element leaves the valid zone for transfer.
ondragover The script is triggered when an item is moved over a valid transfer zone.
ondragstart The script is triggered when the user starts to drag an item.
ondrop The script is triggered after the dragged item descends onto the drag object.
onmousedown The script is triggered when a mouse button is clicked on an element.
onmousemove The script fires while the mouse pointer moves over the element.
onmouseout The script fires when the mouse moves outside the element.
onmouseover The script fires when the mouse pointer begins to move over an element.
onmouseup The script is triggered when you release the mouse button from an element.
onmousewheel The script is triggered when using the mouse wheel. Deprecated attribute (not recommended).
onscroll The script is triggered while scrolling the scroll bar of an element.
onwheel The script fires when you use the mouse wheel on an element.

Touch Events:

Attribute Definition
ontouchcancel The touch is interrupted.
ontouchend The user removes the finger from an element.
ontouchmove The user moves the finger across the screen.
ontouchstart A finger is placed on a touch screen.

Form Events:

Attribute Definition
onblur The script is triggered when the element loses focus.
onchange The script is triggered when the element values ​​change.
oncontextmenu The script is triggered when the context menu on the element is called.
onfocus The script is triggered when the item receives focus.
oninput The script is triggered when the element receives data input from the user.
oninvalid The script is triggered when the submitted form element has been verified and does not meet the restrictions of the form (for example, the required field is not filled - the required attribute).
onreset The script is triggered when the form is reset.
onsearch The script fires when the user presses the Enter key or the x button in the <input> element (type = "search").
onselect The script fires when text is selected in an element.
onsubmit The script is triggered when the form is submitted.

Clipboard Events:

Attribute Definition
oncopy The script is triggered when the user copies the contents of the element.
oncut The script is triggered when the user cuts out the contents of the element.
onpaste The script is triggered when the user inserts the content into the element.

Windows Events:

Attribute Definition
onafterprint The script is triggered after the document is printed.
onbeforeprint The script is executed before printing the document.
onbeforeunload The script is triggered before the document is loaded.
onhaschange The script is triggered if there are changes in the name of # anchors in the document (from the current URL).
onload The script will be launched after completion of the full page load (including images, external style sheets and external scripts).
onmessage The script is executed when the message is triggered.
onoffline The script is triggered when the browser starts working offline.
ononline The script is triggered when the browser starts working online.
onpagehide The script is triggered when the user leaves the page.
onpageshow The script is triggered when the user goes to the page.
onpopstate The script is triggered when the history window changes.
onresize The script is triggered when the browser window changes.
onstorage The script is triggered when the web datastore is updated.
onunload The script is triggered when the user exits the document.

Media Events:

Attribute Definition
onabort The script is triggered upon interruption.
oncanplay The script is triggered when the file is ready to start playing (when it is buffered enough to start).
oncanplaythrough The script is triggered when the file can be played in full (from start to finish) without stopping for buffering.
ondurationchange The script is triggered when the length of the media file is changed.
onemptied The script is triggered when a malfunction occurs and the file becomes unavailable (for example, when the connection to the Internet is disconnected).
onended The script is triggered when the audio / video file reaches the end (for example, to display a message: thanks for listening / viewing).
onloadeddata The script is triggered when loading media file data.
onloadedmetadata The script is triggered when meta data is loaded (for example, size and duration).
onloadstart The script is triggered when a file is downloaded before it actually starts loading.
onpause The script is triggered if the file is paused (paused) by the user or programmatically.
onplay The script is triggered when the file is ready to start playing.
onplaying The script is triggered when a file is played.
onprogress The script is triggered when the browser is in the process of receiving media file data.
onratechange The script is triggered each time the playback mode changes (for example, when the user switches to slow playback or fast rewind mode).
onreadystatechange The script is triggered each time the ready state changes (the ready state tracks the state of the media data).
onseeked The script fires when the object.seeking attribute of the <audio> tags or <video> set to "false" (the user does not move to new playback positions - the end of the "rewind").
onseeking The script fires when the object.seeking attribute of the <audio> tags or <video> set to "true" (the user moves to the new playback position - "rewind").
onstalled The script is triggered when the browser cannot receive media file data for any reason.
onsuspend The script is triggered when the receipt of media file data is stopped, before the end of the full download for any reason.
ontimeupdate The script is triggered when the playback position has changed (for example, when the user has selected a different playback point).
onvolumechange The script is triggered every time the sound volume value changes (including the complete mute).
onwaiting The script is triggered when the media file is stopped, but restarting is expected (for example, when the file pauses to buffer the remaining data).

Other Events:

Attribute Definition
onerror The script is triggered when an error occurs while loading an external file.
onshow The script is triggered when the <menu> element displayed as a context menu.
ontoggle The script is triggered when the user opens or closes the <details> element.